Next Generation Nymphs with Zack Thurman

New Hooked On Fly Tying

$ 24.95

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Zack Thurman started tying and fishing flies at a very young age. For nearly half of his life his passion for fly tying and fly fishing has led him to create his own patterns for both moving and still water. While finishing high school and attending college, Zack was able to master his skill of tying flies during the many hours of commercial tying for a local fly shop. All this practice eventually paid off as he is now a signature tier for the Montana Fly Company. Besides loving to sit at the vice, Zack has spent countless hours testing these flies in his home waters of Northern California and Southern Oregon. These particular flies are a futuristic glimpse of the next generation nymphs. Zack shows you how to tie:

  • Zack's Interrogator
  • Zack's Zaddis
  • Thurmanator Stone
  • Lucent Larva
  • Pseudo May
  • October Zaddis