Signature Invincible Mouse with Chris Helm

New Hooked On Fly Tying

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Chris Helm is a fly tying legend! In this program he shows how to tie his signature fly, the deer hair mouse. Chris Helm has tied and refined this mouse for decades and some folks think he tied it to catch anglers (or collectors), not fish, but he actually fished it frequently. Of all the flies that Chris tied... The Signature Invincible Mouse is his favorite.Chris Helm loved to share his knowledge of fly tying with everyone and received numerous awards over the years.

Chris was honored by receiving The Buz Buszak Memorial Award from The Federation of Fly Fishers (FFF) which represents the highest honor in fly tying. The award represents not only tying ability, but service to others through teaching, the tyers achievement and contributions that promotes the advancement of the art, and involvement in The Federation of Fly Fishers. In addition to being a FFF Certified Fly Casting Instructor, he was awarded the Educator Of The Year Award by the FFF Great Lakes Council.

Long considered the "Guru of Deer Hair", Chris Helm produced the Brassie Hair Packer Tool to make working with deer hair easier when tying fly fishing flies and even designed a special fly fishing rod made by the Shelbyville Rod Company. Teaching fly tying was an interest of Chris' for well over 25 years. Chris Helm enjoyed writing magazine articles and making instructional DVD's. Because of his expertise in the world of hair tying, he has done almost a dozen DVDs on tying, the majority of which deal with hair.