Single haul, double haul, flies, lines, rods, reels, bonefish, tarpon, sailfish and redfish, plus tying the Crazy Charlie, all in one 2+ hour information and instruction packed DVD. The DVD menus allow the viewer to pick and choose what to watch and in what sequence. The instructors are a who's who in saltwater fly fishing: Billy Pate, Steve Rajeff, Jamie Dickinson, Bob Hyde and Jake Jordan, with a supporting cast of Jim and Kelly Watt, producers and hosts of Outdoor Life Network and ESPN's Fly Fishing Video Magazine.
For instance you could watch Steve Rajeff demonstrate and teach the double haul, then switch to Billy Pate instructing you in his double haul secrets. Learn on the beach and on the flats with practical guide instruction solving real fly fishing problems and catching fish. Bonus section: Fly Tying the ubiquitous "Crazy Charlie," with well known Florida Keys guide and expert fly tier, Lenny Moffo. Additional bonus section includes Steve Rajeff's first permit on the flats and wading, with exclusive underwater scenes.
For instance you could watch Steve Rajeff demonstrate and teach the double haul, then switch to Billy Pate instructing you in his double haul secrets. Learn on the beach and on the flats with practical guide instruction solving real fly fishing problems and catching fish. Bonus section: Fly Tying the ubiquitous "Crazy Charlie," with well known Florida Keys guide and expert fly tier, Lenny Moffo. Additional bonus section includes Steve Rajeff's first permit on the flats and wading, with exclusive underwater scenes.
DVDBSB How To Fly Fish DVD Series...Bonefish School and Billy Pate's Saltwater Fly Casting Secrets
... kind of takes things to the next level, at least for those of us who spend most of our time on the ocean or in estuaries. Employing much more exaggerated motion with heavier equipment then you'd normally see in fresh water, Pate makes a good case for his system, which will surely benefit anyone who has to deal with strong wind and "big gun" fly equipment.